Saturday, March 19, 2011

Earthquake Preparedness

Lately here in Puerto Rico the earth is shaking more than it usually does. Since may 2010 there have been 4 earthquakes of a 5.0 magnitude or more. I have personally felt three of them and let me tell you this is not a common occurrence here in the island. Usually we felt one every two or three years but this series of earthquakes has got me thinking about what to do in case of an emergency. Let me ask you. Are you prepare for a strong earthquake? how about a tsunami? A tsunami wave in Japan destroyed everything six miles inland and I only live about 1.2 miles from the coast. So there is the possibility that  my home town can be hit by a tsunami in the future so I decided not to wait and I already started preparing. Here is a list of things I have done already.

1. I have a Bug Out bag ready one for my wife and one for me.
2. I have already developed an scape route with three possible roads.
3. A way to communicate with each other.
4. Where to meet in case of an emergency.

This is a list so far but I will update soon.

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